Hi all, how are you doing? Welcome to my first blog of the year. I don’t think it’s too late to wish you a Happy New Year, I hope you had a good one.

Christmas seems like an age ago and yes, my body clock is still playing catch up where those lazy hazy halcyon days where rolling out of bed past 10:30am in snuggly jim-jams was mandatory, whiling away the time glued to trash TV.

It’s back to the real world and I’m glad to be back. After a self-imposed ban on blogging over the festive period, I really focused on editing; as a result, I have the first draft done and dusted of Screaming Snowflakes Book 2. That’ll be slated for publication in May 2016 for a lovely Spring release.

I didn’t cook or bake as much as I wanted to, mainly due to my editing schedule. I was rather excited about cooking my first Christmas Dinner and couldn’t believe how simple it was. It’s all about timing and prepping those darn veggies the night before. Here’s my plate of food (yes I need help with styling and plating up, but my god it was delicious).

Christmas Lunch @ Littleover PantryCafé

Were you the hostess with the mostess and cooking Christmas Dinner, or were you a guest? A few people mentioned they were going to eat out on Christmas Day, which I think is lovely. This wouldn’t have been possible back in the day, because up until around five years’ ago, pretty much every restaurant or eatery was on lockdown on Christmas Day. If you dined out on Christmas Day, do let me know how you got on.

Was Santa kind to you? I hope you got lots of lovely presents. I was thrilled (yes ecstatic, I could have done cartwheels if I was agile enough) to be the proud recipient of a KitchenAid. Yes, I’ve named her Baby Pistachio (after her colour) and I’m a very proud parent.

Baby Pistachio

Expect to see me baking a LOT more, so you have great recipes to look forward to on my blog.

I have also enrolled on a chocolate master class course. Yes, a course. On chocolate. Could my life be any more fabulous?

There will be lots to indulge my sweet tooth and tonight, I’ll be baking bread and a Chocolate Avocado Mousse too. Expect 2 blogs on these over the course of the week.

I have missed writing about food and going cold turkey (pun intended) has been refreshing yet I find myself missing it. This year, you can expect more recipes, restaurant reviews in Derby, Nottingham, Manchester and London and a whole dose of fabulous, engaging content. And I don’t feel that I’m blowing my own trumpet here, it’s the god’s honest truth. 🙂

Must dash, lots to do, I’ve just remembered that I’m also roasting a whole celeriac tonight in my test kitchen.

All the best for 2016 all, it’s going to be a rocking year!
