It was my first Dreams Bistro Derby visit and it won’t be the last. Here’s my review of their chicken burger with a twist.

It was my first Dreams Bistro Derby visit and it won’t be the last. Here’s my review of their chicken burger with a twist.
Do you have a favourite place in Derby that is your go-to for celebratory occasions? There are numerous eateries in Derby, but none that feel a little special when you walk through the doors. I am talking about The Wonky Table in Derby. I have been to the restaurant a number of times over the years. Its quirky charm…
I visit Wagamama in the Derbion Derby, to try out some new dishes. Vegan ‘ribs’ don’t disappoint, smoke permeating the meaty mushroom texture making this one of my favourite dishes on the menu.
Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? If you’re nodding in smug satisfaction – well done you. If my question drove an icy finger of dread through your heart as you think of braving the crowds for your last minute Christmas shopping, fear not. I can’t offer you magic potions, lotions, or condiments to have your shopping done for you.…
When was the last time you looked forward to something? Last weekend, I popped in to review Lisa Jean’s Brasserie and I was there faster than Farage en route to trigger Article 50. Lisa Jean at Bennetts Brasserie is located on the first floor of Bennetts department store. Much like that magical Narnian wardrobe, the eatery can be found towards…
There is a first time for everything. I have never reviewed a restaurant and given it zero on all counts. Until now. I’m passionate about good food. If I find a place that serves delicious food, has great service and makes me feel special, I will most certainly be back for more. I will also shout out about it from…
I’ve always been a curious soul. From Boris Johnson (does he ever comb his hair?) to chocolate (it MUST have some magical quality), various topics pepper my conscience on a daily basis. One such topic on my mind was Walkabout – was the food actually any good..? I had to find out and thought the invite from Team Walkabout was…
You know when you find a restaurant review from last year, which you wrote up, but somehow forgot to publish? That. Ladies and gentlemen, please find as follows a lovely restaurant review that I discovered during house-keeping. Please note, this was from last year. I will be reviewing Ibérico World Tapas Derby again imminently, so expect a brand new review very…
Blacksmith’s Loft on Sadlergate, Derby has been on my radar for over two years. That’s forever in foodie time. You know that ancient knight in Indiana Jones’ Last Crusade who’s been waiting centuries for Indy to rock up? That’s what it felt like when Matt (the ancient knight aka Front of House) welcomed us inside. Access to the restaurant is…
I heard Revolucion de Cuba had a new menu and hopped along to its launch to check out their Latin inspired Cantina offerings. Whilst we waited at the bar, we munched on Pinchos (nibbles) to whet our appetite. Bella di Cerignola Olives were gorgeously plump, green and salty. Pork Crackling was moreish (the first time I have ever liked it),…