Hi there, how are you? I hope you’re well and enjoying the start of what is going to be a delicious weekend! What are you up to? It’s been a good, productive week, busy with writing (Book 2 of the Screaming Snowflakes Saga is slated for release in December 2015) good food and baking.
Sticking with writing for a bit, I’m finding that my characters seem to have a voice of their own and sometimes, getting them to do what you’ve planned for them (I plot everything down to the finest detail) can be tricky. Especially if they veer off-track and throw your plot and mind into turmoil. Sometimes I feel like a parent lamenting their teen’s tantrums as I mentally shout “WHY WON’T YOU LISTEN TO ME?!” It’s a challenge but which keeps a writer on their toes. And you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Do you find weekends are for chillaxing, or do you want to go out and make the most of your time off? I like to mix it up; sometimes PJ & Hotel Chocolat weekends are the best, but I totally dig checking out cool events and LiveTweeting© from them, networking to meet fab people and enjoying good food. Which is why I’ll be having a blast at the International Women’s Day Festival in Derby city centre.
The aim of this brilliant event is to empower women, raise awareness of issues affecting girls and women and nurture aspirations to broaden horizons. Plus there’s a whole host of activities, so if you’re in Derby today, why don’t you swing by the Market Place? There’s 40+ stalls, a cool boxing ring and so much more. I’ll be doing a post-event write up on my website, so do keep your eyes peeled over the next few days.
I’ll also be presenting at a mini creative workshop for IWD and reading a piece of work inspired by them. If you like writing and want some fab writing tips and tricks whilst mingling with cool creatives, then pop along to the Guildhall Theatre for masterclass in writing.
And tomorrow (no coveted Sunday lie-in for me) I’m up at the crack of dawn to bake my favourite cake for Derby’s Clandestine Cake Club at The President’s Club in Mickleover. I promise to post pictures of my bake soon, expect a standalone post on that shortly. Who said a writer’s life was boring? See you on the other side.