Hey guys,
How are we on this fine Sunday night? I can’t believe Christmas is around the corner. Well, 45 days to be precise (yes I’m counting, bite me).
Now, I hate to be one of those annoying bods who bang on about Christmas all year round. The type who have perennial festive fever accompanied by a slightly psychotic glint in their eye. You know, the sort that start the Christmas countdown on the 26th December. Before you tarnish me with that brush of hypocrisy, did you know that it’s a mere seven weeks before Santa comes a-knocking? That’s a healthy duration to get excited about the upcoming festive season and unleash my inner kid *bounces up and down like Tigger at the prospect of decorating my Christmas tree*.
Question; when do you guys put up your Christmas tree? I was gunning for the 1st of December and I cannot wait to go tree and decoration shopping for mine. I’ll be like an already hyper kid in a candy store, whilst the patient Dude keeps schtum and quietly wonders why oh why he agreed to accompany me shopping. If you spot any unique, quaint or downright trendy tree decorations, I’d love to know. John Lewis and BHS are the usual suspects for the decorations, but I’m seeing a few online stores that have some different and eye-catching offerings this year.
So, what’s new? I’ve not had a very productive week. I had plans this weekend. Big plans. (Well, not plans on the scale of say, Donald Trump, but substantial plans to me). I use weekends for playing catch up on all the things I couldn’t do during the week. You know, like getting my passport renewal forms. Doing the banking. Food shopping. That’s about as rock and roll as I get.
Amongst the myriad of important yet now blatantly nondescript, blah chores, I was supposed to get some writing done (what with having the flat to myself), but after an impromptu extended lunch with an old friend that carried over through to dinner on Saturday, and Sunday playing catch up on sleep (those pesky early morning starts are really, erm pesky), I’ve not even looked at my neglected laptop all weekend. I oddly imagine what my laptop would say to me if it wasn’t an inanimate object – barbed condescension about being ignored springs to mind.
OK, back on track. I was ready to slope off to bed half an hour ago and curl up with The Beggar’s Opera, when I remembered a promise to myself. That of blogging at least once a week. After a bit of cursing and sighing (think Harry Enfield’s teenager throwing a strop), I headed towards my laptop (which seemed suddenly perkier) and begrudgingly fired it up.
The thing with writing, is that once you’re “in the zone”, it’s not bad. In fact, it’s fricking fantastic. It’s just getting there, that perfect frame of mind where you lose yourself in your writing and an alternate world. So, whilst I’ve got my creative juices flowing, I’ll try and cram in a few paragraphs on my current Work In Progress too. I’ve got an early start on Monday morning, but I’ll be OK, I’ll just hit the coffee twice over and be wired all day (it has to be done).
And because I’ve checked in, I feel a little less guilty. How about you guys, how do you feel after you blog? Or if you don’t blog at all, does creeping guilt get you frustrated? I’d love to know. OK, I really need to dash now, because beauty sleep is a-calling (well, a-shouting, more than anything).
Sleep tight, sweet dreams and have a fantastic week y’all.