Helloooo! It’s been sometime since I wrote (I know, I know, my bad). It’s been a crazy few months. So, what have you guys been up to? How was the month of May for you? In between torrential downpours (quite a few of those) and not enough scorching sun, it feels like we’ve bypassed the summer. It was the Jubilee weekend a few weeks ago, and the Olympics are looming around the corner too. Mixed feelings, but more on that later. I’ve been somewhat tied up with a tonne of writing, making real headway with the sequel and I’m really happy with the way it’s mapped out. FINALLY! Thing’s are going to get a whole lot darker for Eleanor and Raphael in Screaming Snowflakes No.2. Ooh, I’m getting excited just thinking about it! For those of you who want to know more about the first book, read more about it here.
There aren’t enough hours in the day. It was another chocca weekend. Went to an author talk yesterday (the effervescent Ruth Hamilton), then Simon Rimmer’s cookery demo at The Bolton Markets (that man is a god in the kitchen), then a comic book reading group. Oh, I also managed to squeeze in a traipse past Waterstone’s, which was shut off due to Katie Price’s book signing. Now, I totally understand that she’s a big celebrity, but to shut off the whole store – really..? I was annoyed not to be able to have a quick browse (there’s nothing better to clear those cobwebs than wander around the bookstore with double cappuccino in hand). Rant over (I blame the horrid cold that has plagued me for the past few days and made me extra tetchy), I would like to end on a positive note.
I have some very exciting news coming up soon so I need to have a clear head and remain focused! I also promised myself that I’d just check in, so can’t stay for long. Have a super week ahead guys and I’ll see you SOON!
Mucho love,