Hey guys, how are you? It’s Friday the 13th and it’s all going swimmingly well (touches wood just in case). I know I’ve been away for some time, so I guess I’m trying to compensate by going into blogging overdrive. In between starting another book, reading more scripts and everything else in between, I had a lovely chat with James Hartnell from the Bank Street Writers. If you fancy hearing about my inspiration for writing, what I’m up to at the moment, or just have a few minutes to kill (it’s Friday, you’re allowed to take a chill pill or two), then please do check out the video below. I would love to hear what you think of it!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pFt7DQOQCI&w=560&h=315]
I’m also chuffed to bits that Screaming Snowflakes is getting some really great coverage. I must say a massive thank you to all for picking up the story. Here are a few links where they are posted, please do take a few moments to browse their websites too!
Indies Unlimited: http://www.indiesunlimited.com/2012/04/02/sneak-peek-screaming-snowflakes-by-amber-tesia/
Urban Asian: http://urbanasian.com/bollywood/2012/04/british-debut-novelist-cites-bollywood-as-inspiration/
Arts Council: http://www.artsjobs.org.uk/index.php?id=25&ne_post_id=78133
Have a grrrrrreat day guys (I feel like Tony the tiger from those Frosties adverts)!