Day to day musings

Why do I write..?

*Teeny tiny caveat: this post was published on LinkedIn first, albeit minutes later* After picking up an email invite earlier this week to publish on LinkedIn, I couldn’t help but jump online and get clicking away on my trusty laptop. After reading myriad comments from fellow LinkedIn-Influencers who were having trouble writing their first blog post, I just had to…

Good morning World. Spring has sprung!

Hey guys, How are you? I know it’s been a while (my bad), but I’m back! I’ve been busy with writing and everything else in between, what have you been up to? The weather is getting brighter now and with Spring around the corner, it feels like the sucky weather of late has now come to a thankful end. I’ve…

Theatre & Friday Night Fish Supper = Result!

Hey guys, How are you doing and more importantly, what have you been up to? It’s been a busy few weeks; I had the pleasure of seeing my work performed at The Octagon Theatre in Bolton last week, as part of an initiative which champions new writing talent. The Best of Bolton is organic, innovative and a great platform for…

2014 already..? Ultra quickity quick catch up…

Yoo hoo guys, how have you been? It’s my first post of the year, I can’t believe February is around the corner. It feels like someone is fast forwarding my life and all I’m left with is a blurry dash of images. It has been a busy few months though and this January just seems more chocca than usual. In…

Happy Foodie – happy coincidence!

Hey guys, Hope you’re all well. It’s an exceptionally chilly evening and I’m curled up with a brandy whilst I type this post. Of course there’s every possibility that I may stray off topic, as I’m also rather hungry, so no doubt I’ll be talking more about food. Food glorious food. Do you find that when hungry, you can’t really…

45 days to Christmas..!

Hey guys, How are we on this fine Sunday night? I can’t believe Christmas is around the corner. Well, 45 days to be precise (yes I’m counting, bite me). Now, I hate to be one of those annoying bods who bang on about Christmas all year round. The type who have perennial festive fever accompanied by a slightly psychotic glint in…

Remember Remember the 5th of November!

Hey guys, Hope all is well wherever you are. 🙂 I’m up north for a few days (Manchester to be precise) and it’s fricking freezing. I’m holed up in good old Starbucks trying to make good on my promise (to blog at least once a week), so here we are. What have you been up to? Looking out of the…